About Lindal & Marton
This website is about the community comprising Lindal-in-Furness and Marton in South
Cumbria. Both villages have fascinating histories, from agricultural
beginnings, through the coming of the iron ore industry and the railway, and
subsequently as attractive residential areas.
The layouts of the villages have hardly changed, but many buildings have
come and gone, and areas of land have found new uses. For example, did you
know that the Lindal village green was originally a tarn? The tarn was
filled in with waste from the extensive mineworkings on the moor, which
in some cases were quite enormous. Shops and houses were swept away when
the A590 was widened in the 1960's. You can still find evidence of
the area's built heritage, but this is continually being eroded
away, and you have to know where to look.

We welcome any old photos, stories, etc if you have them. Please send an
email to
neil@lindal-in-furness.co.uk to let us know.
We also recommend that you visit the Lindal & Marton Primary School
website at:
Parish Council
& Marton is one of three Parish Councils in Barrow Borough. Parish Council meetings normally take place
in the Buccleuch Hall on the first Thursday of each
month, and are open to the public. The Parish Council
Clerk issues an Agenda a few days before each meeting, and issues Minutes a few days
afterwards. Agendas and full Minutes are published on our
Downloads page.
Note that during 2015, Lindal & Marton Parish Council information will
be moving to a new website.
Ulverston Heritage
Ulverston was recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as Ulvrestun, deriving from an Old Norse family name Úlfarr meaning ‘wolf warrior’ and tun meaning ‘farm’ or ‘homestead’. In local dialect Ulverston is known as “Lile Ooston”.
On 11th September 1280 the town was granted a Market Charter by King Edward I. This gave authority for a market to be held in Ulverston every Thursday with an annual fair yearly “on the eve, the day and the morrow of the Virgin’s Nativity” (7th, 8th & 9th September). A second fair was established in the 17th century to take place on the Thursday in Whit week for “pedalry and hiring servants”. These important events in Ulverston’s history are still celebrated twice a year around about the end of May and during September’s Charter Festival.
Find out more about
Ulverston, and enjoy the many festivals and events that take place
there. The
Visit Ulverston tourist information website is a great place to
start your exploration.